The ACA recovery and Healing meeting (CA012) in Old Torrance now has an extra meeting room on Wednesday evenings available for people interested in forming a group to work together on the Steps. Room rent of $25 per month is paid until June 1, 2019. The room is available now, if enough people are interested.
DAY: Wednesday
TIME: 6:30 pm
PLACE: Torrance First United Methodist Church Annex
1551 El Prado Ave
Torrance CA 90501
Annex is located on the second floor, at the rear of the patio
CONTACT: Gabriel L. 305-785-8429
Volunteer Gabriel L. is collection participant names and contact information. (The room will revert back to the church on June 1 if there is insufficient interest.)
An almost year-long Wednesday night Step study group of the stand alone Yellow Book just concluded this month. It was both ambitious and successful. (The Yellow Book or YB, based on Chapter seven in the ACA fellowship text, is estimated to take a group 12 to 16 weeks to complete.) At Step Ten, this group decided to undertake and complete the new Laundry List Workbook, on integrating the the 14 traits common to ACA. The group then returned to finish the YB steps.
Adult Children of Alcoholic & Dysfunctional Families YB steps are simple, but not easy. The reward is great for those willing to do the work: “It works if you work it, and you are worth the work."